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Writer's Wings & Things

Inspiring the Individual, Empowering the Christian, & Motivating the Writer

"Step into another world for a spell. A world of past, present, and future from a solitary journey. Choose links from a broad variety of cornucopia..... Reaching beyond......" ·

~ Poetry Panache ~, Gina Ann Watkins (Day)


I am a Southern belle born and raised in the great state of Tennessee the home of the big orange Volunteers.  I live in the country and would not have it any other way.

I am a very passionate Christian; in tune with Jesus Christ our Savior and God, our Father and creator. It is all about God.  I had to learn that the hard way.

The challenges, as well as the obstacle courses, have developed my personality.  Praise the Lord for enhancing traits that have chiseled me into what God would have had me to be. I am indeed, blessed. But, he is not through with me yet.  He is always at the potter’s wheel.

I am so blessed and grateful for His mercy.  I am recently widowed.   I have three precious grown sons and a daughter whom I admire and delight in memories gifted me. Numerous grandchildren are the light of my life and are growing much too fast.

 I've worked all my life and have recently been forced to take early retirement because of a surgery and a diagnosis of scleroderma.  Blessed again! So many individuals dream of being able to do what I am doing. I am so thankful, though I do miss working.....and the extra pay check.  I am making do and doing without to the best of my abilities, though I have learned from the book of Job to be content.

There are days I am flat on my back, days where my hands draw up and cramp, days I am overcome with extreme fatigue, and days that are overwhelming and depressing.  I just get out the knees and pray.  I receive peace and strength to get over these challenges.

There are days I enjoy puttering around in my flower gardens, create art, write, or simply enjoy the wildlife in private from my front porch.  I currently reside in a cabin complete with tin roof.

I look forward to our journey .  It is heartspun from the Lord.  Angels watch over me.  It is my dreamscape.  I am reaching beyond……………..

"Contrary to popular opinion there are absolutes and God's truth is black and white without shades of gray. God is more interested in your personal holiness than He is your prosperity and He needs no gimmicks or fads to accomplish His will."

Salvation in Jesus Christ is not a religion - it is a relationship. It has the simplest of all formulas....Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house (Acts 16:31). That was the Gospel message that Paul and Silas gave to a Philippian jailer more than 2,000 years ago. He and his family were saved and baptized that very night. They are all in Heaven together tonight, as I write this, with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It’s that simple.

Prose is architecture, not interior decoration.
- Ernest Hemingway


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